What is Drum Circle Facilitation?

  • Drum circle facilitation is an effective and enjoyable way to get groups of people together to connect while playing music.

    A basic sequence of events for our drum circles consist of a meet and greet. We’d like participants to be social! Next, we will give our introduction on how we got started with drumming and share some benefits. Following this, we will go over the basics of how to play the African djembe drum (how to hold the drum, bass notes, and tones).

    We will then connect our brains to our hands through drumming patterns led by Doug. This will get everyone warmed up for the next segment which involves the group playing basic rhythms together. The closing of the facilitation will be a drum meditation which is infused with Tibetan and crystal singing bowl work by myself.

    If time allows, we may be able to give participants individual drum massages (no, we will not be touching you).. This consists of us playing frame drums up and down the individual’s body, or around specific areas of the body that may be bothering them (ie- sore back, pain in knee, etc…)

  • There are several benefits to drum circles. They are:

    • improving your mood

    • sharpening ability to focus

    • relieve stress

    • develop social bonds

    • refine listening skills

    • a way to express yourself

    • lift depression

    • reduce anxiety

    • simple enjoyment

    • sense of belonging

    • natural way to feel good

  • Owl In The Wind Healing LLC will bring drum facilitation to you. Whether you’d like to host a drum circle at your home, workplace, church, birthday party, or any other type of event.

    We will supply drums for up to 10 participants at this time, along with chairs. Registrants only need to bring themselves, a smile, and a positive attitude!

    To book a drum circle facilitation, or If you have any questions on this service, please do not hesitate to reach out! Please click on the “About” tab for our contact information..